
The smart contracts in Taker Protocol are upgradeable through governance. The protocol keeps a global register of the latest addresses deployed on a particular network.

TakerAddressesProvider is global addresses register of the protocol. This contract is immutable and the address will never change. This contract must be used to fetch the address of the latest implementation of the LendingPool contract.

Whenever the LendngiPool contract is needed, we recommended you fetch the correct address from the TakerAddressesProvider smart contract.

View Methods


function getLendingPool() external view override returns (address)

Returns the address of the LendingPool proxy.


function getLendingPoolConfigurator() external view override returns (address)

Returns the address of the LendingPoolConfigurator proxy.


function getPriceOracle() external view override returns (address)

Returns the address of the TakerOracleGetter proxy.

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