TERC721 are promissory-note tokens that are minted and burned upon deposite nft and withdraw nft, representing the NFT used as collateral owed by the token holder, with the same token ID.

The TERC721 token is pegged to the token of the corresponding NFT collateral at a 1:1. All tokens owned by the TERC721 holders can be simply integrated into the NFT wallet and social media.

For all minting and burning actions, see depositNFTs() and withdrawNFTs() methods in the LendingPool contract.

ERC721 Methods

TERC721 implements all the standard interfaces of ERC721. Transferring TERC721 to others is only allowed when the lending situation of TERC721 holders remains healthy.



function mint(address to, uint256 tokenId)

Mints TERC721 token to the user address. The caller must have the original NFT of the underlying asset.

call params


function burn(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)

Burns user TERC721 token. The caller must be the minter when it is minted.

call params

View Methods


function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256)

Returns the supply of the TERC721.


function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) public view override returns (string memory)

Return URI of the underlying nft assert.

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